De platen- en cd wereld van Gijs van Rij

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Artiest:Diverse Artiesten
Album:Sacramento and 15 other International Topsongs
Nummer:KPA 89522 KL
(Niet de originele artiesten)

Sacramento (H.Stott/Rubirosa/Mario Capuano/Giosy Capuano)
Morning Has Broken (Cat Stevens/Eleanor Farjeon)
Telegram Sam (Marc Bolan)
I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing (B.Backer/B.Davis/R.Cook/R.Greenaway)
Storm in a Teacup (Roker/Rubin)
Horse with No Name (Dewey Bunell)
Without You (C.C.)
Day after Day (Pete Ham)
Look wot you Dun (Holder/Lea/Powell)
My World (Barry & Robin Gibb)
Poppa Joe (M.Chapman/N.Chin)
Day by Day (C.C.)
American Pie (Don McLean)
I Just can't Help Believing (Mann/Weil)
Baby i'm a Want You (C.C.)
Son of my Father (Morodor/Bellotte/Holm)