De platen- en cd wereld van Gijs van Rij

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Album:Nuclear Blast 100
Label:Nuclear Blast
Nummer:NB 100-2
Benediction - Blood from Stone
Amorphis - Drowned Maid
NonoYesno - Cutthroat
Resurrection - Torture Chamber
Hypocrisy - Symbol of Baphomet
Meshuggah - Aztec Two-step
Krishna Brothers - How to Kill
Dischange - Government Ignorance
Brutality - Spawned Illusion
Convulse - The Rite of Sunshine
Gorefest - Autobahn
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Exit 13 - Open Season
Disembowelment - Excoriate
Disrupt - Complaint
Mortification - Impulsation
Afflicted - Raging into Battle
Necrophil - Vision
Bloodlust - Devoted to the Dark
Fetish 69 - Hyperventilator